Friday, July 4, 2014

Day 3, Flashback 4th July Cake

(Please see Day 1,Why this Blog if this is your first visit)

Day 3, (July 4, 2014)
Independence day today and our chick(s) are looking for their independence leaving our nest and our control
Day  Challenge-Make a 4th of July cake
The NY bestseller,  Everything I need to know I learned from a Little Golden Book   suggests that we “Learn to cook ….and be proud of your country”.  Likewise, in  Maslow’s , pyramid stages of development, before you can even think of reaching “actualization,” which is on the top of the triangle, you must master food and shelter, which is at the bottom. So today why not try to make  a patriot cake!
 This might seem easy for most of you  with some culinary skills but I, who spent most of my time in school, am not a cook or even close. I can do very little without a cookbook and I am not even close to a Rachel Ray or Wolfgang Puck .  So it must be fast and easy, and  look somewhat patriotic. Thinking back to my Golden Book days, I remember my mother making some kind of jello cake – a poke cake? In those days everything was made with jello and I remember that she had a book called,  Joys of Jello.

This is not  a picture of my cake and I am not sure that mine will even look like this but I am aspiring to have it turn out like the picture. Take it from a person who had to read the directions on the jello box. Even then I messed  it up by putting the one cup of  hot water together with the cold  and thus  I was stirring what seemed like water with beach sand at the bottom.   

Making this cake seemed easy enough and it should be good tasting. I am sure that the “culinary actualized people” out there  are cringing but this my journey so I am going to keep it in my tool box. 
News flash update. Below is MY CAKE!!!  

Spiritual Reflection
Like an eagle  that rouses her chicks and hovers over her young, so he spreads his wings to take care of them and carried them aloft on his pinions. The Lord alone guided them.. Deuteronomy 32:11-13.
Great biblical imagery used here and it makes me reflect that as a  parent we care for our child and likewise how strong the Lord cares for us and our child.
Other Source:
Forgot how much you can do with jello.