Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Day 415- The Grandest Waterfall- Niagara Falls – Natural Power Viewed from New York


I am a waterfall enthusiast (see Day 414). Recently, I ended my quest for the flow with Niagara Falls, the grandest of them all.  The roaring water falling at 25 miles an hour can be viewed up close from Niagara State Park in New York. The hydro-power and beauty from the park connect you with the power of nature. 

View of American Falls and Rainbow Bridge to Canada


Niagara Falls draws over 8 million visitors a year from all over the world. You hear a symphony of diverse languages at the falls.  I am always surprised when someone from Pittsburgh confides that they have never seen this gem. It’s only approximately 3.5 hours by car from Pittsburgh.  Although a more commercial experience awaits those that venture to the Canadian side, I prefer the natural encounter with  the falls from the New York park. 

Admission to Niagara State Park is free but parking is $10.00 on weekdays or $15.00 weekend. Niagara is really three falls; the American, Bridal Veil and the Horseshoe. You can stand near the top of each as 700,000 gallons per second cascade over the cliff  and crash on the rocks below.

Top of American Falls from park lookout on Luna Island  

Walk along the North Shore Trail for an appreciation of the river’s speed. The water produces white caps as it flows over the stepped downward incline increasing its tempo until it crescendos over the Bridal Falls. You are so close to the crest of the Bridal and American Falls on Luna Island. It is magical when the sun rays hit the water just right to form a vibrant rainbow. 

The Horseshoe Falls are best viewed on Goat Island near Terrapin Point or from the Top of the Falls Restaurant. Again, you are just a few are feet away as the water pounds over the rocks. You can  feel the vibration of its hydro power. It is capable of generating enough electricity to supply 1/4  off  the power used in New York and Ontario, Canada.

If you do not want to walk to the viewing sites, you can  ride the hop on and off the Trolley to various points of interest for only $3.00.

 Luna island view of Cave of Winds

 The Maid of the Mist attraction is a must.  According to my 80-year-old mom, “That was the best thing that I ever did!” Needless to say, we had to take the ride twice. You are sure to get wet at the Cave of the Winds but the excitement generated from feeling as if you are inside the falls is worth it.  Both are natural “thrill rides” that out rank any amusement park ride. If you are pressed for time, go to the Observation Tower, a 250 foot high overlook, to view all three falls. It’s also a favorite photo opt spot. 

Niagara is American, Bridal Veil and Horseshoe falls

There so much history to this area and stories about the indigenous inhabitants, the Tesla and Westinghouse first power plant in 1885, the underground rail road, and those who took the plunge over (illegal by the way). The passion of the falls has made it also a destination for lovers and movies. There are several companies that provide tours but the park also offers free tours on the weekends.  

Light show every evening, Fireworks at 10 pm

A rainbow of colours illuminates the falls at night and should not be missed. The park’s parking lots are free after 9 pm. Fireworks start at 10:00 pm every night in the summer. Standing below the observation deck is a great place to view the explosion of lights of the falls.

Maid of Mist feels like you're going into the falls

Niagara Falls is a gem of nature and the natural approach is how I prefer to enjoy it. The experience of sitting and listening to the magnificent power of the falls is magnified when you get up close to it all in Niagara State Park. 

So close to the the water as it drops

Some tips

If you stay overnight, Rainbow Boulevard is closest to the park. Some hotels on the boulevard  are within walking distance to the falls. Most charge a daily rate to park your car, so be sure to factor that into the cost of the hotel.   

For dinning, venture 7 miles north of Niagara to Lewiston. There are many excellent restaurants. Casa Antica  is my pick  for authentic Italian cuisine.  Make sure to try the rice balls.

Niagara Falls is a wonder of nature.  I am awestruck by the volume of water and it's size every time I visit. It's the largest by volume and width in the US.  For this waterfall lover, Niagara Falls is one of the grandest of all. 

Sun can catch the mist for a magical rainbow

Spiritual Source

But let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-falling stream. Amos 5:24

Other Sources

Day 414 Watkins Glen Stairway to Waterfall Heaven

Niagra Falls State Park

Eat at the Top of the Falls

Village of Lewiston


