Sunday, December 1, 2024

Day 422- CLO Who’s Holiday? It’s Grown-up Cindy Lou’s, Sharing it with You

The Grinch tried to steal the Who’s Christmas with a scowl and grimness. Remember, even after waking little Cindy Lou he shoved the tree up the chimney. All Grown up now, Cindy enjoys cocktails, a little cursing, jokes and some wacky smokes. We are her party guests as she tries her best to find a  little cheer after a difficult year.   


Like Dr. Seuss, I took my best shot at opening this post some rhyme. Cindy Lou maintains it for 90 minutes. She is a virtuoso of repetitive sounds. The rhyme and rhythm keeps the energy high and adds fuel to the humor, oh my! That’s right folks it super charges the jokes.  

Cindy Lou (Laura Hayhurst) lives in a trailer in Whoville. She is throwing a Holiday party but as each guest cancels, her cheer starts to abate and deflate. (Gosh this show makes me want to rhyme every time.)  

She is one tough cookie that had a life of hard knocks. She survived a mixed marriage, poverty, and being blacklisted by the Whos. But do not fret, the story is not done yet. Despite it all, nothing stops “Christmas from coming!  Somehow or other, it came just the same!”

  Hayhurt is like a tornado in constant motion as she reenacts the tale. This whimsical adult only one “Who” show brings laughter and cheer. Sharing the Holiday with Ms. Cindy Lou is so clever and fun, that I say run to this show and “three sizes” your heart will grow.

(Who's Holiday runs December 1 through December 31, 2024 at the Greer Cabaret Theater. For tickets go to or ) 

Other Sources

The Grinch that Sole Christmas by Dr. Seuss