Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Day 22-Just Hang Out

(Please see Day 1 if this is your first blog visit)

There is a peace when you are comfortable to just hang out with someone.
Little Golden Books  reminds us to sometimes “just hang out”.  Likewise, in  Maslow's theory,  having  a deep appreciation of basic life-experience is a characteristic of a  self -actualized person (Maslow-Simple Psychology). So today, again I turned off my hyper speed, and my son and I both hung out with our friends.   
This was a special moment because my girlfriend’s only son, just seven months ago, cracked  his skull in a severe car accident  and there was a time when we were not sure that he would ever get out of the  hospital bed. In addition, 13 years ago his mother, my girlfriend, was in a severe car accident and in a coma for several months. Therefore, being able today to just hang out with our friends was a deeply appreciated  event; and a reminder to never lose  hope,  to keep loving and to   value our friendships. 

My girlfriend has overcome her right sided weakness and her son is on a miraculous  path to his full potential. We just sat around a table and reminisced about our past  yearly vacations that occurred since our boys were four, the boys hung out,  and we all laughed as I pulled out my belling dancing book, (stay tuned for that  follow- up in the next blog).
Interestingly, she is also writing and she shared parts of her  book about her miracle child. She  showed me the journal that was kept for her son when he was in the trauma unit. My son’s entry in part said, “ ...I can't wait until you get better so we can hang out because I can be myself around you.”
There really is a peace when you can just hang out with someone. This was  a reminder of how things can be very different but how things can be even better!   
Spiritual Reflection
But you, O Lord are a shield around me, my glory and the one who lifts my head high .

I cried out to the Lord, and he answered me  from  his holy mountain .

I lay down and slept. I woke up in safety, for the Lord was watching over me. (Psalm 3:3 and 4)

The Lord give his people strengh. The Lord blesses them with peace. (Psalm 29:11)