Thursday, November 17, 2016

Day 176 Try Running/Never Thought I Would

The days are getting shorter and it’s a race to get some activity in before the sun sets. Jogging gives you a work out in a short period of time.  I have to admit that I hate to run and I  would do anything to avoid any type of running.  I would joke that  I would be the first one in a group to be eaten by a bear because I am so slow.  

I never  thought that  I would even attempt to run  at my age, especially because I need to save my knees for skiing. However, I was inspired by my college friend who finished the Boston half marathon. She also hated to run and her efforts fueled a  competitive nerve that I did not think I even had. I thought that  if my friend can master a marathon than I can at least try to run a 5k. Conquering a weakness is a quality of a being self- actualized or  reaching  your  personal best, so  I started to jog.

College Friend finished the 1/2 Marathon 

This time of year we get a few warm “Indian Summer” days. There is only  about  one (1) hour  after work of daylight. You have to make it count.  The  good thing about running is that it takes no preparation. You just go out the door. 
Starting, I could only run a few yards.  I could not even run five(5) minutes before I had to walk. I kept thinking, “where is that ‘runner’s high’ people talk about? ” My legs hurt, my breath was labored,  my insides screamed- just stop! However, I kept pushing and visualizing my goal for that day. Sometimes I even thought about how good I might look in a bikini or  how many more calories I was burning running vs walking.

Every night I tried to do a little more running and less walking. It was so painful but like the Energizer Bunny, I kept moving. Then bingo, one night I ran the whole little neighborhood path that I had mapped out for myself.  Then I did it twice, then three times, then four. One night, the neighbors counted as I passed 5 times! I wondered, “ how far did I go?” I drove it and  discovered that once round the  path  was .5 mile. I realized that  I ran over 2 miles!
My running path, once around is .5 mile 

I am still pushing  forward.  I am not fast or graceful.  While running I enjoy the sunset and sometimes in the morning,  the sun rise.  It’s still hard to push those legs forward but even if I am taking baby steps I am still moving toward a goal. My  legs are feeling tighter, and my breathing is getting  slower, and I am getting stronger.   

Sunset at the end of  a  run

I can not  believe that  I am saying this, but I LOOK FORWARD TO RUNNING.   Once you push yourself past the painstaking beginning hell, it’s  a way to evaporate the days frustrations.  I may not ever make it to a ½ marathon but it feels so good to run and move toward my goal.  

Spiritual Reflection
And let us run with endurance the race that God has set before us. We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, on whom our faith  depends from start to finish. (Hebrews 12:1-2)