
Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Day 332 Billy Kidd "Bridging the Gap"-Liberty Magic Brings a Rainbow of Magical Experiences

Since February, Liberty Magic has  attracted distinguished slight of hand performers  to its intimate venue of 70 seats.  Entering a lobby that pays homage to Harry Houdini with a replica of his famous Chinese Water Torture Illusion, you are reminded that  your experience will take flight in the same block  where Houdini  captivated Pittsburgh crowds in 1916.

Scott Shiller, the Pittsburgh Cultural Trust’s Vice President of Artistic Planning, explains that Liberty Magic “elevates magic” by showing audiences that it's not just for kids parties but is a way of telling a story.  “Just like a song sung in different ways, there are different genres of magic. You will find the show that suits your taste.” I was hooked on opening week with the skill of Eric Jones’card flying and coin multiplying show.  Lee Terbosic followed with  finesse and storytelling as one of the world’s experts on Houdini’s stunts and escapes. Like the diverse colors of a rainbow  that form a display of beauty, each divergent act brought a new understanding of this art form or the “elevation of magic”.  I was excited to see what color Billy Kidd would bring to the magical picture as she bridged her show (Bridging the Gap) from Bath, England to Pittsburgh.

Intimate 4 rows, 70 seats, makes you part of the magical experience 
I would call Kidd vibrant red or purple.  She was sassy and unique as she created each trick around a mini story or theme.  She opened by conversing with her musical toy monkey and then came full circle concluding the show with its transformation as her psychic partner. The party started with a bang as a balloon vaporized into a wine bottle, followed by card tricks, illusions and  more fun surprises that, although not conventional, kept everyone playing and laughing along with the magic.

 Her performance was akin to a variety show injecting varied segments of tricks. Kidd admitted that she does not enjoy doing trick after trick like some magicians. “I try to make each one a stand-alone piece and focus on the transitions in my act.”

Kidd commanded the stage with her infectious smile and wit. Even though I had seen a few of the tricks before, I had never seen them “preformed” in such a unique manner.  Her creativity and skill  was a refreshing approach that added another color to the rainbow of magic.

(Liberty Magic continues the rainbow with the recently announced launch of its 2019-20 season  subscription package that will bring seven more divergent acts to Pittsburgh. For more information on the new season or to experience Billy Kidd’s Bridging the Gap running until June 23, 2019, go to

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