
Monday, June 13, 2016

Day 161 Stanley Cup/Pittsburgh Penguins a Play- off Game

Sheary my favorite player with the Cup  6/12/16

When  I started this blog two years ago,  I was not that much of a sports fan but I have morphed into one during this empty nest period (see Day 91-Pittsburgh Penguins) .  This happened by osmosis from having new friends that are sports fanatics and because going to a  sports event is one of the rare things that my son will  do with me.    Even if you were not a hockey fan,  you got the fever this year as  the Pittsburgh Penguins  pursued, and yesterday  won, the STANLY CUP.  So this year, I was fortunate to experience for the first time going to a few play- off games.  

My son's first play-off game

I guess everyone loves a team when they are doing well and  this year, even my 80 year old mother was talking about the game plays!   At a play off game the atmosphere is on red bull x2. It’s a bigger high  when they win and  bigger  down when they lose.  I saw both.  

It was great to have the play off  experience with my son and to see the win of the Eastern Conference Championship. I love how Pittsburghers  comes together to watch the games. We  have a unique tradition of putting the games on a big screen outside the stadium so that everyone can be a part of the excitement even  if you can’t afford or get a ticket.

My son cheering on the win!

When the world seems upside down, ( i.e. the recent senseless  Orlando shootings) , enjoying a sporting event is way to forget the current events, feel united, and to celebrate something good. Thank you sports! Way to go Pittsburgh! Way to go Pens!

 Spiritual Reflection 
The Pharisees asked Jesus to silence the crowd.
He replied, “If they kept quiet, the stones along the road would  burst into cheers!”( Luke 19:40)